2016 UK University Rankings for Veterinary Medicine

The Times Rankings

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* Schools within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.

Rank University Name Total score Student satisfaction Research quality Entry Points Graduate prospects
1 University of Cambridge

(Cambridge, England)

100 84.9 43.1 - 97.3
2 University of Edinburgh

(Edinburgh, Scotland)

97.1 81.4 46.8 - 96.8
3 University of Glasgow

(Glasgow, Scotland)

96.7 84.8 42.3 - 94.3
4 University of Nottingham

(Nottingham, England)

95.5 94.9 36.4 - 94.6
5 Royal Veterinary College

(London, England)

93.2 86.6 40.8 - 93.4
6 University of Bristol

(Bristol, England)

91.6 87.3 33.2 - 89
7 University of Liverpool

(Liverpool, England)

85.8 80.5 32.9 - 98.2