Top Senior High Schools in Sandwell, UK by A-level Results 2014

From the Telegraph

More UK Senior High School Rankings by A-level Results

More UK High School Rankings

* Schools within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.

School names Average point score per full time equivalent academic student Average point score per academic entry % of students achieving at least AAB with two facilitating subjects
Sandwell Academy 888.3 218.1 3%
RSA Academy (Royal Society of Arts Academy) 834.5 175.6 -
George Salter Academy 746.7 202.8 1%
Perryfields High School Specialist Maths and Computing College 730.1 185.8 5%
Bristnall Hall Academy 698.8 189 0%
Wood Green Academy 659 204 3%
Oldbury Academy 653.4 213.7 0%
Q3 Academy 651.7 194.8 2%
Sandwell College 649.9 187 2%
Shireland Collegiate Academy 649 186.4 2%
The Phoenix Collegiate 646 195.4 1%
Stuart Bathurst Catholic High School College of Performing Arts 636.9 179.6 5%
Ormiston Forge Academy 629.3 200.7 4%
Holly Lodge Foundation High School College of Science 561 150.5 0%
The ACE Academy 521.1 173.8 0%
Wodensborough Ormiston Academy - - -
Ormiston Sandwell Community Academy - - -