Top Senior High Schools in Windsor and Maidenhead, UK by A-level Results 2014

From the Telegraph

More UK Senior High School Rankings by A-level Results

More UK High School Rankings

* Schools within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.

School names Average point score per full time equivalent academic student Average point score per academic entry % of students achieving at least AAB with two facilitating subjects
Eton College 1005.2 274.6 45%
St Mary's School Ascot 973.4 267.4 53%
St George's School 895.7 232.8 22%
Marist Senior School 870 251.3 36%
Furze Platt Senior School 819.5 208.5 15%
Newlands Girls' School 766.6 224 13%
Charters School 747.3 219.4 17%
Windsor Girls' School 715.7 208 10%
The Windsor Boys' School 703.6 200.5 11%
Cox Green School 702 198.7 8%
Berkshire College of Agriculture 680.7 203 10%
Claires Court Schools 679.2 218.9 10%
Desborough College 677.9 201.2 14%
Altwood Church of England Secondary School 646.7 183.9 3%
Brigidine School Windsor 628.1 182.7 0%
Hurst Lodge School - - -
Churchmead Church of England (VA) School - - -
Redroofs School for the Performing Arts - - -
Holyport College - - -