Top Senior High Schools in Kensington and Chelsea, London, UK by A-level Results 2014

From the Telegraph

More UK Senior High School Rankings by A-level Results

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* Schools within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.

School names Average point score per full time equivalent academic student Average point score per academic entry % of students achieving at least AAB with two facilitating subjects
Lycee Francais Charles de Gaulle 1064.5 244.8 58%
Holland Park School 917.5 244.9 39%
The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial Roman Catholic School 917.4 253 40%
Queen's Gate School 880.8 255.5 34%
Ashbourne Independent School 859.3 246.1 37%
Duff Miller College 760.3 221.5 23%
Chelsea Academy 747.3 212.4 7%
David Game College 728.9 216.1 10%
Mander Portman Woodward School 725.4 229.1 15%
More House School 688.1 197.8 8%
St Charles Catholic Sixth Form College 647.7 193 1%
Collingham 599 217.2 13%
Kensington Aldridge Academy - - -
Kensington and Chelsea College - - -