Top Senior High Schools in Hillingdon, London, UK by A-level Results 2014

From the Telegraph

More UK Senior High School Rankings by A-level Results

More UK High School Rankings

* Schools within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.

School names Average point score per full time equivalent academic student Average point score per academic entry % of students achieving at least AAB with two facilitating subjects
St Helen's School 910.5 254.2 39%
Northwood College 856.1 245.5 29%
Haydon School 796.8 199.4 10%
Queensmead School 789.1 211.5 7%
Swakeleys School for Girls 778 216 4%
The Harefield Academy 764.5 219.7 9%
Guru Nanak Sikh Academy 762.6 204.2 9%
Bishop Ramsey Church of England School 754.9 224.2 12%
The Douay Martyrs Catholic School 744.4 213.6 7%
Bishopshalt School 742.1 201.7 8%
Ruislip High School 737.8 208.1 10%
Vyners School 727.6 211.2 11%
Barnhill Community High School 721.2 205.2 10%
Uxbridge High School 709.7 184.6 4%
Rosedale College 703.6 193.4 7%
Hewens College 695.2 182.5 6%
Northwood School 665.5 190.7 0%
Abbotsfield School 657.5 188.3 0%
Uxbridge College 647.6 194.2 4%
Harlington School 631.7 206.6 3%
Stockley Academy 581.8 194.8 3%
Parkside Studio College - - -
De Salis Studio College - - -
Heathrow Aviation Engineering UTC - - -