UK University Rankings for American Studies 2015

From the Complete University Guide Published by the Independent

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* Schools within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.

CUG Rank University Name Entry Standards Student Satisfaction Research Assessment Graduate Prospects Overall Score
2015 2014
1 1 The University of Warwick - 4.40 3.00 75 100.0
2 2 The University of Manchester 430 3.93 3.05 55 94.3
3 9 University of Sussex 403 4.17 2.85 55 92.1
4 3 University of Leicester 398 4.28 2.70 60 92.1
5 4 University of Birmingham 399 4.16 2.55 70 92.1
6 5 University of East Anglia 416 4.34 2.55 55 91.1
7 6 University of Kent 343 4.36 2.85 55 89.5
8 8 The University of Edinburgh - 3.96 2.79 - 88.6
9 12 Keele University 385 4.28 2.28 55 86.2
10 10 The University of Nottingham 382 3.97 2.45 55 85.8
11 7 University of Essex 327 3.92 2.60 65 85.5
12 15 The University of Hull 326 4.57 2.55 45 84.8
13 13 University of Liverpool - 3.84 2.05 75 83.3
14 11 Manchester Metropolitan University - 4.11 2.35 - 82.0
15 17 University of Portsmouth 282 4.24 2.40 45 78.6
16 18 Northumbria University - 4.11 2.10 - 77.2
17 14 Swansea University 315 3.78 1.95 50 74.6
18 21 The University of Winchester 297 4.33 2.25 25 74.4
19 19 University of Lincoln - 4.22 - 35 73.9
20 16 University of Dundee - 4.24 2.10 25 73.1
21 22 York St John University 279 4.07 - 40 72.0
22 24 University of Derby 292 4.25 - 15 68.6
23 20 Canterbury Christ Church University 250 3.87 - 30 66.8